You will get there whether you like it or not!

Lynda Filler
4 min readNov 24, 2021

What’s the secret to being WOW? (A Wise Older Woman)

#1 for me is to maintain a positive attitude.

There’s a quote out there: “We can’t always control the things that happen to us, but we can control how we react.” I try to stop and think before I say something or do something I might regret. Our spoken words are powerful. Choose them wisely.

#2 Put life in perspective.

Don’t take it personally. Some days the whole world gangs up on you. This past week I lost a battery life on my computer, my iPad, and an old iPhone. It might have been power surges in my apartment, but regardless, I write for a living, so my devices are essential. But I took these things as a sign to slow down, take a deep breath, and do something different. Don’t make mountains out of mole-hills.

#3 Everyone will tell you to stay healthy.

Seriously, stay healthy. I never smoked — mainly because I don’t like the smell or the taste. My father died from emphysema, amongst other complications. I also can’t remember the last time I drank alcohol. I don’t care for it, so why bother. Now sugar, and Starbucks white chocolate mocha — that’s my vice! Exercise. For me, that’s walking and yoga. And yes, I’m not happy with myself if I don’t do at least 20 minutes of yoga a day. Food: I keep it simple. I love fruit, yogurt, and nuts. Maybe I…



Lynda Filler

If you obey all the rules, you miss all the fun! Amazon Author. Troublemaker. Sexy after 70! Traveler. Author. 19 books on Amazon