This can’t be happening to me!

Lynda Filler
3 min readAug 16, 2022

You know how you wake up one morning and receive THAT email? Then the day goes from bad to worse…Yesterday was that day. Actually, all week has been a series of WTF days!

Okay, I’ve had a partial rant. Now let me explain.

So, yesterday I decided to do some professional fixes to my YouTube account (which I totally ignore unless I’ve had a glass of wine — which I won’t do while on anxiety meds.) And it started with a warning, then another, not to give out emails and passwords. So I went to sleep last night telling myself to get a grip and fix things myself.

But as if that wasn’t enough, I received a lovely email from the Canadian Government telling me that my marital status had changed, which might affect my tax situation. WTF! Now how do I fix that one?

So I emailed Taxback. “My “person” is on vacation. So, did she make a mistake on my status or — wait a minute, didn’t I read the CRA was hacked? She has a link for inquiries on her email. Of course, when I click it, it goes to Ireland! So next project to fix because my link to my account with her is not working either.

So, I take deep breaths, practice slow breathing, meditate on positivity and wake up raring to go today!

But wait, my new book is selling well. Did I tell you that I forgot to let you know during this non-stop drama that my new book Destiny’s Daughter has been released a month early? Another wonderful mistake that Amazon or I made. It was planned for the 31st. of…



Lynda Filler

If you obey all the rules, you miss all the fun! Amazon Author. Troublemaker. Sexy after 70! Traveler. Author. 19 books on Amazon